In Kindergarten, we learn how to sort. Sorting is when we put objects into different spots based on a single attribute- or something they have that is the same. We also learn how to explain our sorting rule.
This week, students used different materials and toys around the classroom to sort by colour, shape and size. Students are also learning to explain their sorting rule by saying, "I can sort by ___.".
First, we learned how to sort by colour.
Next, we learned how to sort by shape.
Last, we learned how to sort by size.
Learning about different sizes, such as big, medium and small and how to sort them can be tricky. You can help your child practice this skill at home by talking about the size of objects.
Sorting at home; there are many different ways that we can sort at home!
We can help sort by:
- putting our clothes in piles (ex. socks together, shirts together...)
- sort our clothes or toys by color
- sort by food that goes in the fridge and food that goes in the pantry.
Encourage your child to sort things like their toys by size, shapes or colors. Also, encourage your child to explain their sorting rule by asking them, "How did you sort?"