Sunday, December 15, 2019

School Spirit Week

Saddle Ridge School Spirit Week

Next week students can participate in a fun activity each day. These activities are optional.

Monday, December 16- Wear Red/ Green- Students are encouraged to wear something red or green to school.

Tuesday, December 17- Fun Sock Day- Students are encouraged to wear fun socks to school. 

Wednesday, December 18 - Festive Wear Day- Students are encouraged to wear something festive to school. 

Thursday, December 19 - PJ/ Stuffy Day - students may wear their PJs (pajamas) and bring a stuffy to school. 

The Gingerbread Boy

Over the last few days, we have been reading the story, "The Gingerbread boy".

Through our reading of the story, we have practiced many literacy skills, such as making predictions, using a picture to help us read the words, and retelling parts of a story. 

After exploring with the story, students had the chance to use different materials to make their own Gingerbread people. 

Here are some pictures of students using a checklist to independently build their own Gingerbread:


After building our Gingerbread, boys and girls had a chance to talk about the details on their Gingerbread with a partner and draw it in their journals. We used our checklists to remember that our Gingerbreads all had special noses, mouth, buttons, gems and ribbon/icing. You can ask your child what colours their Gingerbread had!


Builders Make a Plan

After exploring with various materials to build a house and learning the parts of a house, we have also learned that a builder makes a plan.

First, we discussed how builders use shapes to draw their houses and looked at the shapes we could see in real houses. Next, we used a checklist to plan and draw a house. Last, we tried our best to label our picture by listening to the sounds we could hear in the words we were trying to write.

After practicing naming and drawing using shapes, we had a second chance to practice talking about and using shapes for a fun art activity. When we were done building our houses, we enjoyed using sharpies to add the details and write some words. 



At home, you can practice this early literacy skill by first having your child draw a picture using shapes and then encourage them to add the sounds they hear or the letters they think makes sense. In kindergarten, we like to draw about the things that are important to us- like going to the park or grocery store with our family, playing in the snow or eating our favourite snack.