Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Gingerbreads continued..

After building, drawing and discussing our Gingerbread people with our peers, we realized that they all had different details making them special and unique- just like us!


Unfortunately, just like the little Gingerbread boy in the story, our Gingerbreads were very tricky and they ran away!

To solve this problem, boys and girls created missing posters of their own unique Gingerbreads. First they drew a picture and added important details, such as ribbons/icing, buttons, nose and more. Then, they coloured using colours that make sense. Last, they made a checklist of what they’re Gingerbread had on its body.

After creating our “Missing” Posters, we practiced building our oral language by talking about the different parts of their Gingerbread person with some of the older students at our school who might help us look for them. Boys and girls were challenged to use descriptive words, such as colours and shapes, to be on target when sharing.

After talking with our buddies, we learned that our Gingerbreads were hiding in the learning commons! Luckily, we were able to catch our Gingerbreads before they ran away again.




Have a very safe and happy winter break! We look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday, January 7th!