Sunday, February 2, 2020


During our snow inquiry, we asked the question, “Where does snow come from?”

Students made predictions and shared their ideas by drawing detailed pictures and by sharing verbally. Next, we watched a video to learn where snow really comes from. We learned that snow comes from the clouds when the rain gets cold and turns to ice, making snowflakes. To practice documenting our knowledge and understanding, boys and girls practiced drawing the story of where snow comes from and labeling their pictures. 


 After learning that snowflakes fall from clouds, we started to wonder, "What do we know about snowflakes?". First, we discussed what we knew and wrote down some ideas, then we did more research to learn more about snowflakes. 

From our research, we saw how individual snowflakes were formed and learned that all snowflakes are made up of 6 lines and all snowflakes are different or unique- just like us!

Students then went to investigate snowflakes by looking at pictures and books. Part of Science in kindergarten is becoming aware of our five senses to explore, investigate and describe our word. Students acted as scientists exploring snowflakes closely and used their sense of sight to describe and observe what snowflakes look like.




Here are a few of the observations our scientists made:

Harleen: "I see a little flower looks like a circle.. it has pointy's then some lines."

Mehreen: "I see a snowflake little design here.. it looks like lightning bolt."

Rayan: "I see a hexagon.. and a little guitar."

Nyada: "I see these little things that look like petals.. I see a crown."

Xieanne: "I see it has 6 keys."

Divjot: "I see teeny, tiny triangles."

Keeratdeep: "I see a spider web."

Shahran: "I see a rocket ship.. I see a shield.. I see pizza."

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